"Cowboy Carter," also known as "Act II: Cowboy Carter," marks the eighth studio album from American singer-songwriter Beyoncé, released on March 29, 2024, under Parkwood Entertainment and Columbia Records. This concept album serves as the second installment in a planned trilogy, following the narrative arc established by "Renaissance" (2022). Beyoncé conceived "Cowboy Carter" as a thematic journey delving into a reinvented Americana, shedding light on the often overlooked contributions of Black pioneers to American musical and cultural heritage.
Upon its release, "Cowboy Carter" received widespread critical acclaim, with reviewers praising its genre experimentation, expansive scope, and diverse cultural references. Beyoncé's ambitious reimagining of Americana through the lens of Black roots sparked vital conversations about the place of Black musicians within country music. The album notably boosted the visibility of Black country artists, invigorated interest in country radio, and revitalized appreciation for Western wear and culture.
"Cowboy Carter" swiftly ascended to number one on charts across the globe, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. In the United States, it continued Beyoncé's streak of chart-topping success, marking her eighth consecutive number-one album on the Billboard 200. Notably, it also made history as the first album by a Black woman to lead the Top Country Albums chart.
The album's impact was further magnified by its standout singles, "Texas Hold 'Em" and "16 Carriages," both of which supported the album's narrative and resonated strongly with audiences. "Texas Hold 'Em" achieved the remarkable feat of becoming Beyoncé's ninth number-one single in the United States and the first country song by a Black woman to reign atop the Billboard Hot 100 and Hot Country Songs charts. Additionally, the collaboration with Miley Cyrus, "II Most Wanted," was released as the third single, adding another layer of depth to the album's exploration of genre and culture.
Beyoncé - Cowboy Carter
1 Ameriican Requiem
2 Blackbiird
3 16 Carriages
4 Protector
5 My Rose
6 Smoke Hour
7 Texas Hold 'Em
8 Bodyguard
9 Dolly P.
10 Jolene
11 Daughter
12 Spaghetti
13 Alligator Tears
14 Smoke Hour II
15 Just For Fun
16 II Most Wanted
17 Levii's jeans
18 Flamenco
19 The Linda Martell Show
20 Ya Ya
21 Oh Louisiana
22 Desert Eagle
23 Riverdance
24 II Hands II Heaven
25 Tyrant
26 Sweet Honey Buckin'
27 Amen
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